The Lighthouse of Alexandria, as seen by text-to-image algorithms fed with ancient texts.
“And likewise the extremity of the isle is a rock, which is washed all round by the sea and has upon it a tower that is admirably constructed of white marble with many stories and bears the same name as the island.” Strabo, BCE 17, Geographia, Volume VIII, 17, Egypt and Ethiopia
“The lighthouse was constructed from large blocks of light-coloured stone. The tower was made up of three tapering tiers: a lower square section with a central core; a middle octagonal section; and, at the top, a circular section“ Muhammad al-Idrisi, CE 1154, Geography, Volume III, 4
“Therefore this tower, in a straight and upright line, appears to cleave the sky from countless stadia away, during the day, but throughout the night quickly a sailor on the waves will see a great fire blazing from its summit.“ Posidippus of Pella, BCE 300, Epigrams
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