The hanging Gardens of Babylon, as seen by text-to-image algorithms fed with ancient texts.
“In this palace he erected very high walls, supported by stone pillars; and by planting what was called a pensile paradise, and replenishing it with all sorts of trees, he rendered the prospect an exact resemblance of a mountainous country.” Flavius Josephus, CE 93, Against Apion, Book I, 128
“The walls, 22 feet thick, were made of brick. The bases of the tiered sections were sufficiently deep to provide root growth for the largest trees.” Diodorus Siculus, BCE 54, Library of History, Book II, 10
“We read, too, of hanging gardens, and what is even more than this, a hanging city, Thebes in Egypt: it being the practice for the kings to lead forth their armies from beneath, while the inhabitants were totally unconscious of it. This, too, is even less surprising than the fact that a river flows through the middle of the city.” Pliny the Elder, CE 77, The Natural History, BOOK XXXVI, 2
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