CollectionElectric Dreams of Ukiyo Sacred Height (聖天) Shadow Village (幻の村) Hayao of the Memories Glacier (思い出の氷河の駿) The Dry Harbour (無味乾燥な港) Eikichi of the Dry Harbour (無味乾燥な港の英吉) Ken of the Two Passes (二つの峠の謙) Bulma of the High Red Pines (背の高い赤松 の ブルマ) Mist Volcano (霧がかかった火山) Kamio of the Mist Volcano & Chieko of the Catfish bay (霧がかかった火山の信) & (鯰の湾の千枝子) The Lonely Mountain (孤独な山) Catfish Bay (鯰の湾) Dawn Lagoon (夜明けの湖沼) San of the Lonely Mountain (孤独な山のサン) Saki of the Dormant Lake (眠れる湖の紗希) Okuni of the Shadow Village (幻の村の阿国) Memories Glacier (思い出の氷河) Kyūjū of Sacred-Heights (聖天の久寿) Two Passes (二つの峠) Katsuwaka of the Dawn Lagoon (夜明けの湖沼の勝川) The Dormant Lake (眠れる湖) High Red Pines (背の高い赤松)